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Innovation week and its impact to the society

Innovation week and its impact to the society

Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST) has launched the Innovation Week for the first time of its story in 2020. The week started from 16th to 20th March, 2020 at the University Main Campus. The innovation Week was launched by the Acting Vice Chancellor of Mbeya University of Science and Technology, Prof. Justinian Anatory who is Deputy Vice Chancellor Planning, Finance and Administration.

Speaking during the launching, Prof. Anatory said that, Innovation Week aims at inspiring current and future leaders in the country to take risks on new ideas, collaborate across sectors and transform Tanzania through the scaling of innovation. “It is time for MUST to convert all the ideas, projects and research findings mostly shelved in the departments into valuable services and products in the world market for the benefits of MUST and Tanzania at large’’ Prof. Anatory Said.


Prof.  Anatory further informed that, the Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer (CITT) is now introduced at MUST.  Amongst many functions, the centre plays the role of bringing and managing innovative, technological and entrepreneurial development of fostering creativity, traditional knowledge and society development in Tanzania.


He additionally stressed that; the Universities should not work in isolation from the community anymore. From innovation grounds, MUST spared a special priority to rural areas by establishing a Rural Technology Park located in MUST Rukwa Campus College. The park acts strategically as a technology transfer agent to rural areas.


The 2020 Innovation Week is funded by various organizations and other innovation stakeholders in partnership. The organizations include the Human Development Innovation Fund (HDIF), Commission of Science and Technology (COSTECH) and UKAid after the University won a proposal for hosting this week in Mbeya.