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Communication and Marketing Unit

Home | Communication and Marketing Unit


Marketing and Communications Unit (CMU) has been actively engaged in coordinating media to provide positive publicity of the University’s events, including Media interviews with University personnel for Radio, Television, and Print news. CMU is maintaining flow of information about the activities of Students, Colleges, Directorates, Departments and Staff through press release and media interviews, to the wider Communication resulting in increased awareness and visibility of an institution among the internal and external publics .CMU also is responsible for organizing and perform all marketing related activities.

Core functions

  1. Coordinate conferences, seminar and ceremonies and other function.
  2. Organize University participation in trade fair and seminar events.
  3. Implementation of University Communication and Marketing policy.
  4. Market university core function and raise public awareness on it operations.
  5. Foster cooperation between the University and local/ international organization.
  6. Coordinate University advertisement to the public regarding to its operations.
  7. Develop, implement, Monitor and control Marketing and Customer care programs.
  8. Conduct publicity programs for promotion of university image.


Marketing and communication unit has four Staff in which one communication officer and two marketing officer and the Acting Head of the unit


Contact Personnel

Dickson Msakazi

Acting Head of Communication and Marketing Unit

Email: cmu@must.ac.tz

Mobile: +255764330344