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Administration and Human Resource Management Directorate

Home | Administration and Human Resource Management Directorate

1. Objective

To enable the management of Human Resources, Administrative issues, Security issues and Transport services.


2. Functions

This Directorate will perform the following functions: -

  • Interpreting Public Service Regulations; Standing Orders and other Labour laws;
  • overseeing the implementation of ethics and value promotion activities including corruption prevention education;
  • Administering and overseeing implementation of activities such as recruitment, human resource development and training, promotion, discipline, retention, motivation, performance management and general staff welfare;
  • Ensuring optimal, efficient and effective management and utilization of human resources;
  • Overseeing the development and implementation of effective policies, procedures and guidelines for recruitment, training and development, deployment, retention of staff, promotions, performance management;
  • Coordinating Workers Council and Trade Union affairs,
  • Conducting regular human resources audit and inventory of current and needed skills;
  • providing registry, mesenterial and courier services; and managing Office records,
  • Handling protocol and customer complaints matters;
  • Facilitating provision of security services, transport and general utilities;
  • Coordinating implementation of ethics and value promotion activities;
  • Creating an environment and working conditions conducive for high staff morale and productivity by initiating suitable safety, motivation, health and welfare programmes;
  • Developing a comprehensive human resources management manual;
  • Ensuring that the University has a conducive working environment free from fears for health and safety risks and sexual harassment and that the interests of the University and those of employees are integrated;
  • Preparing Annual Personnel Emolument Estimates and administer salaries and payroll; and
  • Coordinating the implementation of Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS)