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Programmes Offered - Masters of Biodiversity Conservation

Home | Programmes Offered | Masters of Biodiversity Conservation

Program overview

The main objectives of the programme are to train and produce sufficient and quality conservationists with mastery of global ecosystems of various animals and plants; Establish a sound foundation of scientific principles applied in the field of biodiversity conservation and Create awareness and the need for being creative, innovative and self-reliant in tackling environmental problems relating to all living things.

The Philosophy behind the development of this programme is geared towards producing unique graduates who are innovative, creative, and flexible. As such, students are given the opportunity to do research in various areas related to biodiversity conservation. The philosophy is geared through:

  1. Providing foundations of basic principles, competencies and expertise that will give the greatest opportunity for graduate career development in biodiversity conservation.
  2. Facilitating changes in interest, specialities, roles and responsibilities in biodiversity conservation.
  3. Stimulating student interest in designing skills related to biodiversity conservation science applications and motivation in pursuance of further knowledge, research and imaginative thinking.

Producing graduates who are skilled to enter the biodiversity conservation science in the community and daily life system and flexibly to satisfy the needs of the society as a whole.

What you will learn.

Semester 1

Terrestrial Biodiversity Conservation NS 9131
Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation NS 9132
Advanced Ecology NS 9133
Conservation Genetics NS 9134
Research Methodology NS 9135
Conservation Governance NS 9136
Environmental Toxicology NS 9137
Emerging Global Issues in Biodiversity Conservation NS 9138
Applied Geographical Information Systems in Conservation Sciences NS 9139

Semester 2

Biostatistics NS 9140
Ecological Restoration Principles NS9141
Human-Natural Systems Interactions NS9142
Climate Change and Biodiversity NS9143
Sustainable Natural Resources Economics NS9144
Ethnobiology and Conservation NS9145
Remote Sensing in Conservation Sciences NS9146
Environmental Assessment NS9147
Biodiversity Conservation of Wetlands NS9148