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Programmes Offered - Bachelor of Technical Education in Architectural Technology

Home | Programmes Offered | Bachelor of Technical Education in Architectural Technology

Program overview

The Philosophy behind the development of this programme is geared towards        producing unique graduates who are innovative, creative and flexible. As such students are given opportunity to specialize in teaching technical subjects.

What you will learn.

Semester 1

Communication Skills HS 8101
Development Studies HS 8101
Calculus, Statistics and Coordinate geometry MS 8125
Entrepreneurship BM 8108
Architectural Draughting, I AA 8101
Building Construction, 1 AA 8102
Basics of Architectural Design AA 8103
History of Architecture I AA 8104
Building Materials I AA 8105
Mini- Industrial Practical Training I AA 8106
Foundation of Technical Education and Philosophy TE 8101
Education Psychology TE 8102

Semester 2

Structural Mechanics AA 8104
Architectural Draughting II AA 8108
Building Construction II AA 8109
Principles of Architectural Design AA 8110
History of Architecture II AA 8111
Building material II AA 8112
Construction Surveying AA 8113
Industrial Practical Training (IPT) AA 8114
Curriculum Development TE 8103
Teaching Methods TE 8104