Leading Centre of Excellence for Knowledge, Skills, and Applied Education in Science and Technology
This programme has been designed to produce graduates who will satisfy the needs of employers and self-employment in the 21st century, are ready to enter computer science employment, and are equipped to continue learning throughout their life.
The graduates from this programme will be flexible and able to meet computer science challenges of the job market or industry. The programme also addresses national needs articulated through various Higher and Technical Education Policies.
It is, therefore, expected that the graduates from this programme will have aspirations to become professional engineers. As such, they will likely take roles involving high-level managerial and organisational responsibility and be expected to provide leadership over a broad range of computer science activities. Skills required for such roles will be acquired from Management and Entrepreneurship subjects. The programme also contains a coherent core of mathematics, sciences, economics and communication skills, providing a viable foundation for further studies and lifelong learning.