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Programmes Offered - Bachelor of Business Administration

Home | Programmes Offered | Bachelor of Business Administration

Program overview

The philosophy  behind  the  development  of  this  programme (BBA)  is  geared  towards producing  innovative,  creative  and  flexible  graduates who can apply modern technologies and scientific principles to improve business performance in both public and private sectors or self-established firms.   It  is  expected  that  graduates  from  this  programme  will  take  roles  involving  high  level managerial and organizational responsibility, and provide leadership over a broad range of business disciplines.

What you will learn.

Semester 1

Introduction to Communication Skills BMH 07101
Development Studies BMH 07102
Business Mathematics BMH 07103
Microeconomics BMH 07104
Principles of Procurement and Management PSH 07101
Principles of Management HRH 07101
Principles of Marketing MKH 07101

Semester 2

Information and Communication Technology BMH 07205
Macroeconomics BMH 07206
Principles of Accounting FAH 07201
Cost Accounting FAH 07202
Introduction to Business laws BMH 07207
Theories of Entrepreneurship MKH 07202
Business Communication Skills MKH 07203