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1st international Conference on Agricultural Sciences, Technologies, and Innovation for Sustainable Development (AgriSciTech 4SD)

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Registration Link: https://forms.gle/dcMGSWVdEeHK75Bx5

The global agricultural landscape is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements, environmental challenges, and the imperative for sustainable development. In response to these dynamics and in an act to complement the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Government of Tanzania, and the resolutions put forward by the AGRF 2023 Summit to transform Tanzania food systems, Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST) is proud to convene the 1st International Conference on Agricultural Sciences, Technologies, and Innovation for Sustainable Development (AgriSciTechI4SD) under the theme

"Cultivating Tomorrow’s Sustainability: Linking Agricultural Technology and Ecological Innovations for Global Prosperity."

This conference will serve as a pivotal platform for interdisciplinary dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge exchange among researchers, practitioners, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders in the agricultural sector. As we navigate the complexities of modern agriculture, it becomes increasingly evident that innovative approaches and integrated solutions are essential in addressing various challenges impacting food security, water use, environmental sustainability, and economic development.

The need for this conference is underscored by the pressing issues confronting the agricultural community, including unproductive agriculture, climate change, lack of access to clean energy and water, dwindling natural resources, biodiversity loss, and the imperative to feed a growing global population. Through fostering synergies between agricultural science, technology, and innovations, we aim to chart a path toward a more sustainable and resilient agricultural future.

Goal of the Conference

The overarching goal of the conference is to share state-of-the-art knowledge, technology, and innovations along the most important crop value chains in Africa in a context challenged by climate change and other stressors.

At the conference, the latest results from agricultural science research & technological innovations will be presented and the way forward for achieving more resilient livelihood opportunities, increased food and nutrition security, and agribusiness growth for economic and social development will be discussed.

The conference will also offer an opportunity to further enlighten both young and senior academics on key issues that threaten agricultural development on the continent.

MUST and its partners through this conference seek to achieve various key objectives such as:

  1. Knowledge exchange and collaboration: Facilitate the exchange of innovative research, best practices, and innovative solutions in agricultural sciences, technologies, and innovation.

  2. Exploration of emerging trends: Explore emerging trends and advancements in agricultural technology, sustainable practices, and ecosystem conservation to inform future research and policy directions.

  3. Stakeholder engagement: Provide a platform for meaningful engagement and collaboration among researchers, policymakers, industry leaders, and civil society organizations to address shared challenges and opportunities in agriculture.

  4. Capacity building: To foster capacity-building initiatives and professional development opportunities for researchers, practitioners (youth and women), and students to enhance their skills and competencies in agricultural sciences and technologies through innovative workshops and training.

  5. Policy advocacy: Advocate for evidence-based policies and strategies that promote sustainable agriculture, environmental conservation, and equitable development at local, regional, and global levels.

Through robust discussions, interactive sessions, exhibitions, and collaborative endeavors, the AgriSciTechI4SD Conference will catalyze positive change and contribute to the advancement of agricultural sciences, technologies, and innovation for sustainable development harnessing the collective expertise and commitment of the scientific community, Entrepreneurs, Funders, Practitioners and other stakeholders.

The AgriSciTechI4SD Conference will be hosted by Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST) in collaboration with various partners in Agricultural Research and higher education institutions in Tanzania and abroad. The conference is intended to be held from 4th to 8th November 2024 in Mbeya, Tanzania.


The overall theme of the Conference ‘Cultivating Tomorrow’s Sustainability: Linking Agricultural Technology and Ecological Innovations for Global Prosperity’ expresses the broad range of opportunities and challenges facing African agriculture that will be addressed during the conference. Research results, innovations, and practical solutions across several disciplines, from farming systems and management practices for increased productivity and climate resilience to commodity value chain analysis, technology adoption, and inclusion of youth and women, will be shared and discussed. The conference will focus on the contribution of agricultural science, technology, and innovation to agricultural transformation in Africa across four (4) sub-themes:

 Sub-theme 1: Agricultural Technology and Innovation

Sub-theme 2: Sustainability and Climate Resilience

Sub-theme 3: Ecosystem conservation and biodiversity

Sub-theme 4:

Value addition and agribusiness

   i.   Regenerative Agriculture

  ii.   Smart agriculture and modern farms

 iii.   Green agriculture and organic farming

 iv.   GMOs in agriculture and its impacts on local varieties

 v.   Renewable energy in agriculture

 vi.   Advanced and emerging technologies in small-scale farming systems

vii.   Artificial intelligence in agriculture

viii.   Data analytics in agriculture

   i.  Climate change and food security

  ii.  Climate-smart farming

 iii.  Agro-ecological innovation

 iv.  Climate change and Mitigation strategies in agriculture

 v.  Soil health and conservation agriculture

 vi.  Nutrition-sensitive agriculture

vii.  Advancement in crop pests and disease monitoring

viii.  Agricultural early warning systems

   i.  Biodiversity in agriculture

  ii.  One health perspective in agriculture

 iii.  Urban and peri-urban agriculture

 iv.  GIS and Soil Quality Monitoring

 v.  Agri-texture systems in modern societies

 vi.  Biotechnology application in African agriculture

vii.  Agricultural waste and energy recovery

viii.  Advancement animal and crop breed improvement

 ix.  Aquaculture in the modern era

   i. Seed Technology

  ii. Agro-processing and post-harvest technologies

 iii. Agro-processing and value addition

 iv. Agribusiness with technology

 v. Marketing of agricultural products

 vi. Economic and policy dimensions of agriculture

vii. Targeted nutrition diets



Format and Program Highlights.

To accomplish its goal, the Conference will facilitate a learning, dynamic and interactive environment where opportunities will be created for researchers, innovators, farmers, private entrepreneurs, academics, students, and policy makers to share research and innovation results and to discuss strategy recommendations around the themes of the Conference. The conference will combine the traditional conference in-person experience with online participation where both groups of attendees can interact with each other. The conference will consist of 5 days program of events, which will include:

  1. Symposia: experts will be invited to present their insights and experiences on how agricultural science, technology and innovation contribute to main challenges facing agriculture. Experts’ presentations will be followed by a panel discussion in a plenary session in a breakout session.

  2. Workshops, training and side events; a structured and interactive environment will be created to share results experiences around a specific theme, knowledge and skills and discuss strategies and way forward to improve agricultural outputs.

  3. Students’ presentations sessions: quick (5-7 minutes) spotlight presentations where MSc and PhD students will present a summary or highlights of their research projects results.

  4. Posters sessions: Presenters will engage with interested participants on a one-to-one basis through poster presentation, providing opportunities for illustrating their work, networking, discussion and relationship building.

  5. Exhibitions: participants(farmers, entrepreneurs, research institutions, etc.) will display products, technologies, innovations and information related to their businesses.

  6. Excursion: participants will have an opportunity to participate in a tour and field visit to recreational sites and agricultural landscape around Mbeya region. Interested participants will be required to register before the event for logistics arrangements.

Conference Venue

The conference will take place at Eden Highlands Hotel in Mbeya City, about 20 kilometers from Songwe Airport.

Registration fees (in USD)


of participation

Early Bird Registration

Late Registration

Local Participants (TZS)


Participants (USD)


Local Participants (TZS)


Participants (USD)


Local (TZS)





International (USD)



















Excursion (Optional)









 The in-person fee includes a conference bag, a welcome function, and coffee breaks. The excursion will involve two trips (i) Kitulo National Park, and (ii) Rungwe Agricultural Landscape and Matema beach in Lake Nyasa.

Key deadlines



Pre-Announcement of the Conference

05th July 2024

1st Announcement

15th July 2024

2nd Announcement

01st August 2024

Abstract submission

30th September 2024

Special sessions (workshops, side events) submission

15th October 2024

Exhibitors’ registration

30th October 2024

Early bird registration

30th September 2024

Late registration

20th October 2024

Excursion registration and payment deadline

20th October 2024

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/dcMGSWVdEeHK75Bx5